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How Does CCAC Work?

Senior Care Connect

Updated: Jan 28, 2019

In an earlier post we briefly explained who CCAC are and what they provide.  Read here if you need a refresher. Today, we  give some  further insight into how CCAC operates. Below are just a few tidbits to be aware of when working with CCAC, particularly in regards to home care services. 

CCAC Does Not Provide Home Care: CCAC  as an organization does not itself offer home care services. Instead CCAC coordinates and arranges home care services by making use of private senior service agencies.  CCAC uses money from its budget (provided by the government-i.e. our taxes), then uses that money to pay a third party agency to provide you or your loved one with home care support. 

Your Local CCAC: CCAC as an organization is divided into geographical segments across the province (these sections are referred to as LHINs-see here for more info). Your postal code determines which local CCAC chapter you will be involved with in regards to OHIP covered home care (or the long-term care application process). In order to determine which CCAC chapter you belong to, please click here, and enter your postal code.

What You Get Depends on Where You Live: The reason it's important to be aware of which CCAC chapter your would be involved with for care services, is because at times your postal code plays a factor in services available to you. Although the goal is for equal access to care, the reality for some unfortunately is that the services they receive (or don't receive) may depend on where they live. There are certain geographical areas in the province, for example, that may have a wait list for particular services (such as a personal support worker), while others may not, or have a shorter wait list. Each CCAC chapter does do its best to manage the resources they have available to them and makes every effort to triage services to those with high care needs, in order to best support those in need. 

Anyone Can Make a CCAC referral: There are many who believe that only a health care professional can make a referral to CCAC, however this is not the case. Anyone can make a referral to CCAC, whether a family member, friend or even a concerned neighbour. The individual who is to be in receipt of the services however must consent to the referral and services.

In order to make a referral one merely has to call CCAC directly and express the concerns or needs. CCAC, based on the information provided, will then follow up  and act accordingly.  There are a few exceptions in which a health care professional will need to make the referral (vs family, friends,etc). Such cases would include referrals that require medical orders from a physician, such as orders for wound care dressings or for IV anti-biotics. 

CCAC Makes the Final Call: CCAC staff make use of  standardized assessments as a means of determining eligibility for services. Often seniors or their loved ones believe that their physician, social worker or other health care professional can get them home care services, or an increase in services. The reality is however that CCAC  gets the final say. Your health care professional can advocate and make recommendations about what is needed, but it is CCAC staff who determine what one is eligible for based on their assessment, as well as available resources.  

Services arranged by CCAC are not designed to meet all of one's care needs but to act as a support that can supplement  care for seniors. Depending on one's care needs, CCAC may need to be combined with other sources of support (family, friends, private paid care)  in order to best support one in their home or retirement home. 

CCAC in Your Home or Another Home: CCAC provides home care not only in your own residence, but another residence where you may be residing. Such residences could include residing within a family member's home, or even in a retirement home. It is common for those within a retirement residence who may need additional care, to make use of CCAC services (vs. paying for additional care within the residence). CCAC does not provide home care services in long-term care (LTC) homes, as such care should be provided by staff within the LTC home.

CCAC 's goal is  is to connect people with the right care at the right time and in the right place. For more on CCAC please visit their website:

Until next time... Stay in the Know! Stay Informed! 

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